My 2017 Showreel.
Tag Archive for News Shooter
Article on Newsshooter – “Boys for Sale” – gaining a community’s trust to shoot a two-year documentary project in Japan

Uchujin on tour – at Photokina in Cologne and more
The past few weeks has been a blur of (good) busyness what with a trip to IBC in Amsterdam at a days notice with the team, a D.P. and editing job for my mates Postfuel on drift car nutter Buttsy Butler, a motion graphics job and then this past week to Photokina in Cologne again with Dan and the team.
CRI ratings – Testing the Pergear MTL900 Pro LED Light

Uchujin 2014 review

2014 Show Reel
My 2014 Show reel
NAB 2014: News Shooter – Video Journalism Panel
At NAB last week I took part in a live panel discussion from the Teradek booth on “The future of video journalism” with Dan Chung, Slavik Boyechko, Felix Clay and Chuck Fadely.
Hasta la vista LA – Vegas and NAB bound
Well LA has been quite the eye opener……
Live Interview – Inter BEE 2013: Newsshooter with Adrian Storey
Whilst at Interbee 2013 last week I did a live interview at the Atomos and Teradek booth with Dan Chung for his News shooter site.
Teradek have just posted it to their vimeo channel so you can watch it again if you missed it.
I talk about my work, show my showreel and clips from my Safecast ( documentary and my “Only Native Japanese Imam in Tokyo” piece for VICE.