Updated Main Site – New Responsive design with Bootstrap

Featuring a lovely tune my my dear friend and ex-band mate from back in the day:-
Cross My Heart Hope To Die – Vita E Morte Exhibition at Subliminal Projects LA
Episode 4 over on Sean Bonner’s podcast site “Viva Riot” is a conversation with me about film making, Japan, encryption and some other nonsense.
Nov 13th-15th I will be at Interbee – the International Broadcast Equipment Exhibition with Dan Chung and the team from www.newsshooter.com
Over at The New Yorker there is a new article about 281_Anti nuke by the lovely Roland Kelts which quotes me and mentions my documentary.
The lovely people at SNAPPP magazine in Taiwan have featured my work in issue 25 of their rather wonderful photography magazine.
So, thanks to the ‘not such a big surprise really’ revelations of global internet monitoring by the NSA and conversations with some friends who like me should also have known better and done this a LONG time ago, I have decided to start encrypting all my personal emails using PGP encryption.
I have spent the last couple of months working on a 3 minute documentary about Safecast for the Focus Forward documentary competition.
The scenes that started in Meiji park around midday yesterday and continued throught the day as a 50,000 people strong crowd marched through the streets of Tokyo to protest Nuclear power are quite simply the most impressive thing I have ever seen in Japan.
I recently shot both a catalogue and a look book for the Tokyo based fashion label ‘Brilliant World’.
I recently contributed some photos to the Tokyo-Ga Charity Photo book, which is now completed and on sale.
39 photographers from around the world donated photographs in the hope of raising money to help the victims of the 3/11 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.
Last night I got a present from a friends fiance.
My experience of ordering a follow focus from jag35.com.Unimpressed!