Friday nights have always meant something special to me ever since those first illicit snakebite and blacks when I wasn’t old enough to get served in a pub.
The tradition of meeting with good friends over a few (really a few??) drinks and putting the world to rights continues even now so far away from those days as a fledgling alcoholic.
What that means in Tokyo is that I have been going, with an ever-changing group of friends (some dearly missed who friday isn’t the same without) to the same bar almost every Friday night for over 5 years.
It’s got to the point now where the bar manager and I know each other by name and he will move people off my favorite table when I arrive.
The picture above represents a more populated Friday night than is usual but shows a fun and interesting group of people who help to keep me sane.
So this post is a tribute to all the participants of Friday night drinks in Tokyo over the years, I salute you and thank you my brothers and sisters!
(Particular thanks to those who aren’t present in this photo, some of the original Friday nighters – you know who you are – You are dearly missed)
“Sometimes you gotta go where everybody knows your name”
From bottom left in the photo:-
Pierfancesco Celada – Photographer
Arnaud Lemorillon (From Mamzelle Films)
Damon Coulter -Photojournalist
Bellamy Hunt – Photographer and sourcer of vintage cameras from Japan
(oops forgotten who this guy is – apologies )
Bruce Meyer-Kenny – Photojournalist
Brett “Tokyo Reporter” Bull – Journalist
Richard Smart – Journalist
Charlie “two cute dogs” Kirk – Photographer
Clemens Schwaighofer – Photographer
(prefers to remain anonymous)
Kevin Carroll – Journalist
Julian Littler – Journalist
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