The internet often feels a little like the wild west, little thought is paid to copyright laws and ethics.
In the early 21st century curation / re-blogging sites have become common, everyone links to everyone else’s work.
I propose a simple code of conduct for anyone wishing to use my images or videos:-
No advertising and making no money from your blog/site?
Please!, use my stuff (with a credit and link back to me), in fact I’m flattered.
BUT, ASK FIRST!, If you don’t ask first it will be considered copyright infringement and I WILL pursue it.
Have advertising and making money from your blog/site?
Write to me to discuss licencing, it won’t be free.
(I have a sliding scale for charities/worthy causes etc so let’s negotiate)
Otherwise you are making money from my content without asking.
It is morally and legally questionable not to mention fucking rude.
Any unauthorised use will considered copyright infringement and WILL be pursued.
For the record in all my videos I only use creative commons music or images and always credit the authors and link to them.
Or I personally know the author of the works and have their explicit permission.