I’ve written a book – Falsa Lama & My Root Goat

It’s taken me 3 years but I’ve finally done it…..
I’ve written a book!

It’s a travel memoir called “Falsa Lama & My Root Goat”
The back cover blurb reads:

Adrian Storey is your restless, self-effacing guide on a journey across
India, Pakistan, Tibet and Nepal as a new millennium dawns.

On the way he’ll encounter the Dalai Lama, meet a frustratingly platonic soulmate
and become a connoisseur of the continent’s finest fleabag hotels.

A hilarious and brutally honest travelogue from a time when
the internet was measured by the minute in cafés,
guidebooks were our bibles and smartphones didn’t exist.

It’s not quite ready for publication yet but I’ve set up a website at book.uchujin.co.uk where you can sign up to be notified when it is.

I can’t tell you much more right now but I can tell you it’s over 300 pages with over 100 colour photographs in the print versions, that I’m extremely proud of it and I’m really looking forward to as many of you as possible reading it.

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