Uchujin 2014 review

My love of street art is no big secret, so obviously while in Australia I took some photos of the great stuff there.
So just a quick little thing I made over the past day playing around watching tutorials on After Effects. Seemed appropriate given Tokyo’s turn to winter in the last day or two.
My 2014 Show reel
Pt.2 of my continuing adventures with aerial filming in which we discover that things are a LOT more complicated than they seem………
The video above is an example of what I have managed to achieve after weeks of tinkering and makes liberal use of warp stabiliser to smooth out continuing problems, read on to hear all about them…….
I’ve spent the last 6 weeks or so using all my free time getting up to speed on drones or as they should probably be called to avoid all the spy in the sky, US killing innocent civilians connotations – quadcopters.
Cross My Heart Hope To Die – Vita E Morte Exhibition at Subliminal Projects LA
On June 10th I will be a guest lecturer at “Deciphering Japan” at Tokyo University of the Arts.
My video for Safecast.org on how to use a bGeigie.
My “281_Anti nuke” documentary will screen at the Pori Art Museum in Pori, Finland as part of the East Asian Video frames : Tokyo exhibition.
I recently was asked to make a kickstarter video for Dave Powell the photographer behind the very popular Shoot Tokyo site.
I took an embarrassingly small number of photo’s in LA. I blame Patrick Ecclesine the amazing photographer and super humanly nice guy who I was staying with for driving me around in his Camaro convertible and making everything so much fun that I didn’t want to take pictures.
His drop dead gorgeous girlfriend and lovely human being Donna Feldman must also take some of the blame as must Sean Bonner for making me all star struck by introducing me to Shepard Fairey.
Rochelle Vincente, incredible singer, muse & my band mate from back in the day in Brighton, UK shoulders some of the blame too. Her Lover Raw Chocolate and infectious positivity also kept my camera in it’s bag.
Seriously, not one photo of the “Hollywood” sign? or of the Walk of Fame? WTF was I doing?
A fireworks shop in Nevada.
I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures whilst I was in the US recently, but in Death Valley…
Exit Uchujin stage left…
At NAB last week I took part in a live panel discussion from the Teradek booth on “The future of video journalism” with Dan Chung, Slavik Boyechko, Felix Clay and Chuck Fadely.
Well LA has been quite the eye opener……
More Uchujin in LA
Here in LA for a week before heading to Las Vegas and NAB
Recently I was in Fukushima prefecture shooting for Greenpeace where we interviewed people in temporary housing and visited their original homes in areas which are no longer safe to live due to radioactive contamination.
When my good friend and journalist Richard Smart showed me a piece he had written about the shamisen player Katsutoshi Tsukahara for the Global Post and asked if I’d be interested in going to film him rocking out some non traditional music on his 3 stringed axe I of course jumped at the chance – Smoke on the water and Disco played on a shamisen? hell yes!
Check out the video above and head over to the Global Post to read Richard’s excellent piece.