Yearly Archives: 2018

Happy Jesus’ Birthday 2018

I love me a good co-opted pagan festival celebrating the historically incorrect birthday of a middle eastern man (now rendered as Caucasian, because…… white people) who thought he was the offspring of a deity and wasn’t averse to subjugating the odd sex worker, especially when the festivities involve choking (between mouthfuls of antibiotic infused, factory farmed & force-fed till its legs broke meat product) on the rancid engorged member of late-stage capitalism whilst sobbing gently in self-loathing at not being able to afford the latest Sang-Apple-tendo electronic gadget for your ungrateful little snow flake spawn. Love it.

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San Luca Tattoo Lounge – Photos/Video/Website

Whenever I go somewhere new I try to seek out the local tattoo shop as it almost always provides interesting people to talk to.
My hometown proved no exception and I’ve slowly become friends with the good people there.

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Uchujin with Newsshooter at IBC 2018

Just arrived home from another very fun IBC 2018 in Amsterdam with the Newsshooter crew.

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Adrian “Uchujin” Storey – Collusion Maker Takeover – Presentation

Last week I was honored to be invited by Lee Mason to give a presentation about my work at the Collusion Maker Takeover event taking place at iMet in Huntingdon.
I talked about myself (oh the vanity:), “Boys For Sale“, “Traces Of The Soul” and the showed the Handbook “New Day” video I made recently.
You can watch my talk (shot from a terrible angle on a Galaxy S8) above.
It was a really interesting day with lots of inspiring projects being shown and talked about and I’m very grateful to Lee and Collusion for inviting me and all the great work they are doing in the local area.

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Handbook “New Day” – Official Music Video – Cascade Records

My first official music video in a while, “New Day”, taken from the new Handbook  E.P. “Reminiscence“, out now on Cascade records.
I’ve made two music videos for Cascade previously, Repeat Pattern “Fuck But Beautiful” and Fitz Ambro$e “FAIFF”, so I reached out to Handbook after seeing a tweet from Cascade records promoting the EP and he chose “New Day” as the track he wanted a video for with the brief “I love rivers, countryside and birds/insects so that would be a great focus. Probably difficult, but something ant based would be dope.

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“Tuning into Radio Muju” – A Documentary

I’ve known Mr Muju for almost 20 years and Miss Muju for maybe 1/2 that. They are and continue to be not only some of my best friends but a constant source of inspiration.

Mr Muju, one of the most talented artists I know, is responsible for me first seriously picking up a camera and must be credited with introducing me to Buddhism long before he was the catalyst that made me go to India thereby changing the course of my life forever.
I feel genuinely lucky to be his friend.

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