It’s killed at least 3 family members that I know of.
In a CT scan I had recently some ‘nodes’ were detected in both of my lungs that could possibly maybe be the beginnings of emphysema. (The Doctor didn’t even mention it as the CT scan was for something unrelated, only when I asked him about it did he suggest ‘smoking less’).
And yet, this picture is of a cigarette I smoked.
Helpless drug addict? weak willed pathetic idiot?? Loser???
If so I’m not alone.
One of us dies every 6.5 seconds worldwide , more even than the one every 15 minutes who commit suicide here in Japan, and yet that’s effectively what we are doing.
I stopped for 2 years in my twenties, but started again and within 2 days of the first puff in 2 years I was back on a pack a day.
Almost everyone I know who has tried to quit has fallen off the wagon.
Fuck this is depressing, I’m off to drink a coffee and smoke a fag.
Lest anyone else should think that this post is overly serious or that I am genuinely depressed about this.
Here (courtesy of my Public Relations officer Mr Bill Hicks) is what I really think about smoking.
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