![All you need to know about Shibuya](http://blog.uchujin.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/©Uchujin-Adrian-Storey_2010_07_16_4469.jpg)
From the “You couldn’t make it up” file:-
Me: Those nails are fantastic, can I take a picture?
Girl: No problem
Me: How exactly, do you use your phone with those, no problem?
Girl: No problem [laughs]
[Enter Boy stage right]
Boy: Hey, take a picture of me too!
Me: Ok [laughs]
Boy holds out his hand, revealing a truly WTF tattoo
Me: Can i get one of the two of your hands together?
Boy and Girl: [laughs] Sure, no problem
Me (to Boy): That’s an interesting tattoo, why do you have that?
Boy: Well, when I was about 14 or 15 I really liked those…errr..German guys…..what do you call them?
Me: Umm…the Nazi’s??
Boy: Yeh, yeh the Nazi’s, I really liked them.
Me: Ok, er, thanks……?
[Facepalm, Exit me stage left]
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