Not being a master solderer, programmer, hardware hacker or borderline genius there is very little I can do to help my friends at the amazing Safecast project.
The 3 minute film explaining who they are and what they do that I made has proved very useful to them though and has even been shown at the IAEA.
Interestingly they told me that they get a lot of emails about that film because I entered it into the Focus Forward competition which was sponsored by GE and it got to the semi final, so people think Safecast is sponsored by GE and they see that as a conflict of interest!
To set the record straight – I made that film with no financial assistance from anyone, certainly not GE. I made it because as I said above there is little else I can do to help with their project as I have none of the skills required so the only way I can help is by producing videos for them.
Which brings me nicely to the point of this post, which is to promote my newest video for them “how to use a safecast bGeigie”.
Aimed at people who have bought or made a bGeigie and want to know how to use it.
You’ll find it over on the bGeigie Nano resource page : HERE
We had a little fun with it though so it’s worth 4 minutes of your time even if you don’t have a bGeigie.
Shot on Canon C100 with Canon 17-55mm IS lens and Sony UDP wireless mic and Edited in Premiere Pro – just in case you were interested.