There’ll be no moratorium, no “it was a year of up’s and down’s” or any other nonsense.The final post of 2010.
Yearly Archives: 2010
The Kibera Olympic Boxing Team
I recently traveled to Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya – the largest and most well-known slum in Africa, home to over a million people most of whom live on less than a dollar a day – to meet Mr. Hassan Abdul Salim, the coach of the ‘Kibera Olympic Boxing Team’.
Akaenda Berlin – Part 2 – People
As with most things, despite my professed misanthropy and a firm belief that Jean Paul Sartre was right when he said “Hell is other people”, people are what makes this cosmic joke we call existence bareable.
Akaenda Berlin – Part 1 – Graffiti
Berlin, how do I love thee? let me count the ways!
One of the first things that stuck me about Berlin was the Graffiti and street art.
Shinjuku To Harajuku On The Yamanote Line
A little video I’d forgotten about from when I borrowed the 15mm from Mr Eiichi Scart.
Mr Ellis reminded me of it on the very same route home after GnT’s last night, so here it is.
(Also wanted to post a little something as I’ve been away filming in Berlin for a few weeks and haven’t had time to edit any of that stuff yet, but it’s coming. Watch this space.)
Oya-Part 3-The Abandoned Building Cliche
I have a dirty little secret…..
Ok I have more than one, but the one I’m admitting to today, feels in photographic circles worse than admitting you like Justin Bieber at a Carcass concert.
Oya-Part 2-Heiwa Kannon and the 1200 year old 1000 armed Chenrezig
A short walk from the Oya stone museum, is Oya temple and the massive Heiwa Kannon.
Oya-Part 1-Oya stone museum
Oya in Tochigi is an hour and a bit train ride from central Tokyo to Utsunomiya and then a short bus ride away.
Recently I took a trip out there on a rare day where my wife and I’s day off’s coincided.
Twende Berlin – Documentary Project
In a few weeks I will be going to Berlin to be a cameraman for Cultural Video Foundation (CVF).
On the cover of “Latitude” iPad magazine
My photo of a Samburu woman shot on my trip to Kenya earlier this is on the cover of issue 2 of the iPad magazine “Latitude”.
The Flower Of The Dead 2010 Edition
Following on from last years Flower of the dead post some more pictures of the flower that grows along the banks of the river that one must cross after death or the flower that grows in hell (according to Japanese mythology).
Featured on Conscientious
My ‘Let the poets cry themselves to sleep’ series was blogged on Conscientious. I’m a happy camper.
Copyright Infringement Again! – Groove Magazine Germany
That’s right, words almost every photographer gets used to after a while, “copyright infringement” back once again.This time it’s in print and with someone I thought I had an agreement with!
Lion Cafe – Tokyo’s Worst “Best Kept” Secret
In the dark heart of Shibuya’s seediest district, Maruyama-cho, amidst the love hotels, used underwear shops and sexual service advice centers lies an oasis of calm, The Lion Cafe.
Self Service Beer Machine 2.0 – Starring Sean “motionid” Wood
A self service beer machine in a Sangenjaya izakaya. Video versdion 2.0.
Eyes Wide Open
Look at what happens when you borrow a Canon 15mm f2.8 fisheye lens from Mr Eiichi “Scart” Miyamoto. A gallery of WIDE shots.
Yasukuni 2010 – Just when I thought it couldn’t get any weirder
Yasukuni shrine, Tokyo – August 15th 2010, the anniversary of the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II. Drinking beer with men wearing swastikas, riot police and a window in to the Japanese psyche.
A Dark Wind Blows
Err..those German guys
Genetics – Well, chimpanzee that!
I Need Someone Much More Serious
Kwaheri Dark Star
Nairobi – Part 4 – Dancing Queen?
As a follow-up to the last post about the free party in Kibera, it’s another video post, also shot at the same free party.
This time it’s those pesky kids again.
Nairobi – Part 3 -Kibera Free Party
Within a few days of arriving in Nairobi I found myself at a most unusual concert,organised by the Goethe Institut Nairobi, being paid to take pictures.