I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures whilst I was in the US recently. Far less than I have on other trips to foreign countries for the first time.
In Las Vegas it was because I was working 15 hours a day and just wanted a beer and sleep once I was done and in LA I was just having too much fun and didn’t want to look like a stupid tourist and embarrass the cool people I was hanging out with ;).
In Death Valley however………
After Leaving Las Vegas (why is everything in America a literary, movie or music reference?) the other cameraman I had been working with, Jonas (super nice and talented guy) and his friend Amanda who was visiting from Australia (that’s them in the last pic below) hired a car and drove immediately to Death Valley.
For Jonas and I , I think it was the case that we couldn’t get out of Dodge quick enough.
It was the right decision. As the fake tits, city sized hotels,sounds of the slot machines and the nerdgasm that was NAB faded into the distance Nevada opened up into wide open expanses of desert and mountains that was just what my tired body and mind required.
Suddenly I remembered why I had my camera and every time we stopped our completely silent hybrid car to change the batteries in the GoPro’s we had strapped to the car (more of that to come…..) I took a few holiday snaps that you can see below………..
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