Yep, that time of year again.
A look back at 2013…..
My first music video of the year
Interviewed in the Japan Times
Busy with work, filming for my upcoming 281 documentary, another music video, photographing a tattoo artist……..
Randomly met this guy on the street in Shibuya one day and just had to stop him and ask for a photo – the cross is crazy, very Charlie Manson but the line down from his left eye! hardcore. Guessing he isn’t a 9-5 salary man ;)
Oh its a difficult one! I finally felt like I’d arrived as I got my first piece in “The Sun” but this month has to go to another music video, My first for the French music label Cascade Records.
Hard to pick one thing, especially seeing as everything was overshadowed by the greatest wedding mankind has ever seen – 5 days I will never forget with really amazing people in beautiful Kyoto. For some reason I don’t feel happy about sharing photos from it though, some things are better left to memory alone.
So, a new photo from my most popular series – another poet cries themselves to sleep
An “unidentified” man wearing a T-shirt with a bad word to accompany a blog post sparked by all of those “The tin foil hat brigade don’t look so crazy now do they” Snowden revelations.
It will have to be my frenetic music video for DJ Muggs (Cypress Hill) , Andrew Kline (Strife), Brevi and Sean Bonner’s LA based Cross my Heart and Hope to Die.
It was also featured on boing boing!
This will have to go to yet another music video (wow I did a lot of music videos) this one is special because it was recorded at one of the wedding parties that took place over the 5 days of the wedding mentioned above – My dear friends Sean Lotman and Ariko Inaoka. To be honest those 5 days made the whole of this year worth getting out of bed for!
So take it away Mr Vaughn Montgomery……..
Back to the UK for the first time in a LONG time. Had an amazing month catching up with extended family, seeing friends who I miss dearly and hanging out with my Dad.
Didn’t realise just how much I missed it, in fact I’d go back if the immigration laws weren’t so fucking ludicrous.
There are a few photos and something I wrote about one aspect of going back over on JAGR magazine.
A screen grab from my upcoming documentary on Tokyo sticker artist 281_Anti nuke.
(It will be released for the 3/11 anniversary in March next year.)
This one concerning Tokyo’s winning bid for the 2020 Olympics and the billions of Yen that will get spent in Tokyo while thousands live in temporary housing that is falling apart in Tohoku.
Interesting month work wise as I was at Interbee with Dan Chung and the news shooter team – Dan also interviewed me, but this months pick has to be the release of the short film I made about my Dad while I was back in the UK in September.
I get all emotional even thinking about it. Proud to be his son and proud that I could show the world what a fucking wonderful man he is.
The final wheezy death rattle of 2013, a new Camera and a new drive and determination that 2014 will be bigger, better, more lucrative and fulfilling.
A solemn promise to myself to be a better man and work harder than ever before to produce better and better work.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you all – I’ll rehash an oldie but goldie from back in the day for this months selection ;)
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