
Uchujin with Newsshooter at IBC 2018

Just arrived home from another very fun IBC 2018 in Amsterdam with the Newsshooter crew.

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Adrian “Uchujin” Storey – Collusion Maker Takeover – Presentation

Last week I was honored to be invited by Lee Mason to give a presentation about my work at the Collusion Maker Takeover event taking place at iMet in Huntingdon.
I talked about myself (oh the vanity:), “Boys For Sale“, “Traces Of The Soul” and the showed the Handbook “New Day” video I made recently.
You can watch my talk (shot from a terrible angle on a Galaxy S8) above.
It was a really interesting day with lots of inspiring projects being shown and talked about and I’m very grateful to Lee and Collusion for inviting me and all the great work they are doing in the local area.

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Handbook “New Day” – Official Music Video – Cascade Records

My first official music video in a while, “New Day”, taken from the new Handbook  E.P. “Reminiscence“, out now on Cascade records.
I’ve made two music videos for Cascade previously, Repeat Pattern “Fuck But Beautiful” and Fitz Ambro$e “FAIFF”, so I reached out to Handbook after seeing a tweet from Cascade records promoting the EP and he chose “New Day” as the track he wanted a video for with the brief “I love rivers, countryside and birds/insects so that would be a great focus. Probably difficult, but something ant based would be dope.

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“Tuning into Radio Muju” – A Documentary

I’ve known Mr Muju for almost 20 years and Miss Muju for maybe 1/2 that. They are and continue to be not only some of my best friends but a constant source of inspiration.

Mr Muju, one of the most talented artists I know, is responsible for me first seriously picking up a camera and must be credited with introducing me to Buddhism long before he was the catalyst that made me go to India thereby changing the course of my life forever.
I feel genuinely lucky to be his friend.

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Video Production Services – Christian “Documentally” Payne and Adrian “Uchujin” Storey

Starting the new year as I mean to go on I’ve been working on a few new things with more exciting stuff coming in the next couple of months.
One of those is a collaboration with Christian “Documentally” Payne – Creative Director, Technologist & Documentarian.
(And it should be noted a very interesting, funny and nice man, you should subscribe to his newsletter – the poor dear only has 25K (!!) followers on Twitter so go follow him there too:)

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Uchujin On Tour – Mujuworld in Cornwall Edition

Last week we finally managed to make it down to Cornwall to see my dear old friend and amazing artist Mr Muju and his equally awesome partner Miss Muju in their beautiful little country cottage.
A blissful week of epic Cornish scenery, lovely veggie food, reggae tunes, travelling in style in Miss Muju’s VW camper van and even a day of body boarding!
I couldn’t just have a holiday though, where would the fun be in that?
So with my new CAME TV Optimus gimbal (a great excuse to put it through it’s paces) and trusty Sony A7SII I filmed loads of stuff for my documentary in progress on Team Muju and put together this little film of our week.

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“The Bowler Supremacy” Deep Sand Diesel For INFLUX

This months piece I DP’d, shot and edited in Belper, Derbyshire for my good friends Postfuel is now up on the Influx site.
This time it’s about Bowler Motorsport, a company that builds custom rally cars based on Land Rover Defenders.
Another fun and interesting job contributing to my slow and steady slide towards becoming a car nut.

“Not With A Bang” An Uchujin Films Short

I am proud to present my latest short film “Not With A Bang” (Title stolen from T.S.Elliot because I have delusions of grandeur) the result of months of work and what amounts to a final parting shot to Japan.
I advise watching it full screen on a reasonable sized monitor or it won’t make a lot of sense and you’ll miss most of it.

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Sony A7SII – Slow motion test – Setagaya Park, Tokyo December 2015

On a windy day last week I went to my local park to do some test shooting with my new A7SII in 120fps slow motion mode.
I shot handheld with Picture Profile off and the Neutral setting with auto white balance. I used a Pentax 35-70mm K-mount lens on a Fotoga adapter.
The footage was conformed to 24p in Premiere, black and white levels adjusted, some saturation and a touch of sharpening added.

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