***UPDATE*** There have been some unpleasant insinuations and comments about my morals and political views concerning the content of this post.
Please be sure to read my replies to the commenters.
Tag Archive for right wing
Yasukuni 2010 – Just when I thought it couldn’t get any weirder
Yasukuni shrine, Tokyo – August 15th 2010, the anniversary of the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II. Drinking beer with men wearing swastikas, riot police and a window in to the Japanese psyche.
No local suffrage for foreigners in japan- Shibuya protest
(Protestor holding a banner with Ichiro Ozawa(secretary-general of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan) and Yukio Hatoyama’s (Current Prime minister of Japan) faces added to Nazi propaganda poster declaring that- “My rights and rule are foremost” , “What is government rule, corruption?” ,”Mama can I have some more child allowance”)