Tag Archive for mujuworld.com

“Tuning into Radio Muju” – A Documentary

I’ve known Mr Muju for almost 20 years and Miss Muju for maybe 1/2 that. They are and continue to be not only some of my best friends but a constant source of inspiration.

Mr Muju, one of the most talented artists I know, is responsible for me first seriously picking up a camera and must be credited with introducing me to Buddhism long before he was the catalyst that made me go to India thereby changing the course of my life forever.
I feel genuinely lucky to be his friend.

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Muju World Promo – Tokyo Dreams

A good and ridiculously talented friend ‘Muju’ recently hired me to do a few promo shots of his newest T-shirt designs but being the contrary trouble maker that I am I decided to make a promo video instead – a trick only really pullable when the client is one of your oldest and dearest friends.