Almost 5 years ago I was the Director of photography on the documentary “Twende Berlin” about public space and gentrification filmed in Berlin and Nairobi (some blog posts from the time HERE ).
Directed by Vincenzo Cavallo and produced by the team from Cultural Video Foundation.
The full documentary is now available to watch online.
Super proud of my work on it as it was my first ever DP assignment. The finished piece is well worth your time, hats off to all involved.
It was an amazing time for me and I miss dearly all the people involved (you know who you are!) massive Upendo love to you all!
Tag Archive for Vincenzo Cavallo
Twende Berlin Documentary Trailer
I’m very pleased to present the “Twende Berlin” documentary trailer.
Akaenda Berlin – Part 2 – People
As with most things, despite my professed misanthropy and a firm belief that Jean Paul Sartre was right when he said “Hell is other people”, people are what makes this cosmic joke we call existence bareable.