Tag Archive for copyright infringement
Stolen pictures on lomography.com
This time the international hipster camera company lomography.com are the ones who think copyright law doesn’t apply to them.
UPDATE-Copyright Infringement Again! – Groove Magazine Germany
Well, well, well……
It’s like a massage with a happy ending, I got what I wanted but I feel a bit dirty having got there ;-)
Ta-da!!! I got paid!
Only my usual rate for the pictures and nothing for the copyright infringement, but payment none the less.
Copyright Infringement Again! – Groove Magazine Germany
That’s right, words almost every photographer gets used to after a while, “copyright infringement” back once again.This time it’s in print and with someone I thought I had an agreement with!
Gone viral
A selection of photos from my “Let the poets cry themselves to sleep” series recently appeared on the CNNgo site.People started twittering about it, then someone Dugg it and then all hell broke loose.