On the Sunday 25th June 2017 I found myself in the graveyard of All Saints Church, Sutton Courtney, Oxfordshire to celebrate 2 things:-
Tag Archive for CAME TV Optimus
Uchujin 2016 Review – Part 2
Uchujin On Tour – Mujuworld in Cornwall Edition
Last week we finally managed to make it down to Cornwall to see my dear old friend and amazing artist Mr Muju and his equally awesome partner Miss Muju in their beautiful little country cottage.
A blissful week of epic Cornish scenery, lovely veggie food, reggae tunes, travelling in style in Miss Muju’s VW camper van and even a day of body boarding!
I couldn’t just have a holiday though, where would the fun be in that?
So with my new CAME TV Optimus gimbal (a great excuse to put it through it’s paces) and trusty Sony A7SII I filmed loads of stuff for my documentary in progress on Team Muju and put together this little film of our week.