It’s that time again, a self-indulgent review of my year and this is only part 1!, ostensibly for anyone reading here but basically for me to remember all the stuff that went down.
Tag Archive for Eiichi “Scart” Miyamoto
Uchujin 2016 Review – Part 1
Well…We’re here again, the end of another rotation around the sun.
This is a year I will never forget as it was the year I finally escaped Japan – after 10 years and 1 day exactly.
5 months in to my rehab/recovery and I can honestly say ….. well I could write a book on how I feel about the whole thing, but I won’t for everyone’s sake….Let’s just say, so far, it feels 99% like the right decision.
Uchujin 2015 Review
8×10 Expired Ektachrome portraits by Eiichi “Scart” Miyamoto
8×10 Expired Ektachrome portraits of me by Eiichi “Scart” Miyamoto
Eyes Wide Open
Look at what happens when you borrow a Canon 15mm f2.8 fisheye lens from Mr Eiichi “Scart” Miyamoto. A gallery of WIDE shots.
Eiichi “Scart” Miyamoto – Talented Friends series
The latest shot from my “Talented Friends” series.